Without a doubt one of the best things you can do for your garden, regardless as to whether you have natives or exotic plants or you are growing your own fruits & vegetables, is to add compost to the soil.
With the right know how, not only will you be recycling all sorts of organic waste from your home but you will be making the most delicious mixture to add to your garden beds. Large landscape designs will know just how much green waste is generated over the course of the year and inevitably will have a composting system in place to avoid endless trips to the local tip.
Composting, on a big or small scale, provides a free source of nutrients which will make your plants happier & healthier. When it comes to growing produce, you will produce a larger, better quality harvest with good quality compost.
Here at Ezyplant we have really focused on producing high quality compost for our productive garden and as you can see the rewards are great!
I’m quite a tall person and the corn is taller than me! The heads are large already and feeling really full. With the extra rainfall that we’ve had, along with the all that compost, I added before the corn was planted…I’m looking forward to a bumper crop!
Learn how to produce quality compost for your garden in our “Complete Garden Guide“. A small investment for a wealth of gardening information.
Helen Spry – Designer & Founder – Ezyplant