native species

Acmena smithii

A useful low growing native australian plant with attractive bronze coloured new growth with the older leaves a dark shiny green.  Very suited for low hedging but will require regular trimming.  Compact growth obtained through trimming makes this plant a great hedging plant.  Likes a full sun part shade position with regular watering required.  Dwarf variety Allyn Magic grows to about 0.7m in height.

Varieties Hot Flush, Sublime, Allyn Magic

SALT TOLERANT – Suitable for seaside or poolside plantings

Banksia species

Ranging from tall trees, through shrubs to prostrate forms this genus is hardy. Requires well drained soil, full sun to dappled shade. Leaf shape varies through varieties. Spectacular, cylindrical flowers range in colour and size and are bird and animal attracting. Many dwarf varieties available, making it suitable for even the smallest garden. Grows in all Climate Zones.

SALT TOLERANT – Suitable for seaside or poolside plantings

native species

Callistemon – Bottle Brush

This evergreen species is available in varying heights and flower colours. Some species produce a flush of pink new growth adding to this plants features. Generally prolific flowerers this species is bird and animal attracting. Maintain shape and size with pruning through the warmer months between flowering. Grows in all Climate Zones.

SALT TOLERANT – Suitable for seaside or poolside plantings

Grevillea species

This genus of evergreen flowering plants is available in many flower colours and sizes ranging from tall trees to prostrate forms. It has fern-like foliage and distinctive bird/animal attracting flowers. Prefers a sunny position with well-drained soil. Cut back in summer to encourage new fresh growth. Grows in all Climate Zones.

SALT TOLERANT – Suitable for seaside or poolside plantings

Leptospermum – Teatree

Varying from prostrate growing shrubs to tall shrubs/small trees to 4m this native species has narrow pointed leaves. Prefers a full sun to part shade position. Choose carefully as some prefer moist soils over well drained sandy soils. A prolific flowerer with colours varying from white through to magenta pink. Bee and butterfly attracting. Grows in all Climate Zones.

SALT TOLERANT – Suitable for seaside or poolside plantings


A group of very adaptable species suitable for all soil types in full sun to part shade. Tolerates drought and water-logged soils. Available in ground covers up to small trees these fast-growing plants bear cylindrical flowers that range in colour from cream and yellow through to orange and red. Bird and bee attracting. Featured is Melaeluca – Claret Tops. Red bronze foliage colour and white flowers. Grows in all Climate Zones.

SALT TOLERANT – Suitable for seaside or poolside plantings

Syzygium - Glossy Gem

Syzygium – Lillypilly

There are thousands of Syzygium but the best are available at your local nursery. These hardy plants are available in many different growing heights so ensure you choose the one that best suits your needs or you will be trimming it regularly. Tiny Trev starts at 0.8m through to Aussie Southern that reaches 6m. Some varieties provide pink to red foliage colour and a flower variation. There is a Lillypilly for every position so choose carefully. Grows in all Climate Zones.

SALT TOLERANT – Suitable for seaside or poolside plantings

Westringia – Coastal Rosemary

A very hardy, easy and fast-growing plant. Will grow in full sun or part shade in most soil conditions to about 1m. Prune to shape. Small purple or white flowers appear through spring to summer. Grows in all Climate Zones.

SALT TOLERANT – Suitable for seaside or poolside plantings

Xanthostemon chrysanthus

Bushy shrub with bronze new growth which bears masses of yellow flowers which are very bird attracting. Hardy once established.

Little Goldie grows up to 1m x 0.80m width and flowers Spring – Summer. Makes a great hedge or low border. Fairhill Gold grows up to 4m in height and flowers spring – summer. Makes a great small specimen tree (when lower branches are trimmed), wind break or border planting.

Grows in Tropcial Cairns, Topical Darwin and Subtropical Region Climate Zones.

SALT TOLERANT – Suitable for seaside or poolside plantings