Acacia – Wattle Tree
This beautiful evergreen tree has golden flowers which feature as the Austalian National Emblem. The wattle flowers are heavily perfumed, producing profuse pollen and can cause hay fever in susceptible people. Flowers appear late winter to early spring. This species ranges in size from prostrate growing forms to tall trees of 10m and the foliage can be feathery, flat or needle like. Fast growing but short life span around 8 years. Makes a great fast privacy screen but will require at least 3m for its width. Take a look at Golden Wattle, Qld Silver Wattle and Black Wattle. Grows in all Climate Zones.
SALT TOLERANT – Suitable for seaside or poolside plantings

Alloxylon flammeum – Queensland Tree Waratah
This tree is a must, if you have the room, as it makes a beautiful shade tree. Growing to about 6-8m in height and 2-4m in width and bearing the most spectacular flowers it will truly be a feature in any garden. Flowering in spring attracting nectar-feeding birds, this tree requires full sun and well drained, mulched soil. Supplementary watering is recommended in very dry periods. This plant grows in the Tropical Cairns and Subtropical Region Climate Zones.

Banksia integrifolia, B. spinulosa, B. ericifolia, B. – Coast Banksia, Swamp Banksia
Ranging from a prostrate form to a tall tree this species is very hardy. Most require well drained soil and prefer to grow in full sun to dappled shade. Leaf shape varies from different varieties. Spectacular, cylindrical flowers range in colour and size and are bird and animal attracting. All species of Banksia are sensitive to phosphate minerals so steer clear of fertilizers as they will mean certain death. Many dwarf varieties available, making it suitable for even the smallest garden. Grows in all Climate Zones.
SALT TOLERANT – Suitable for seaside or poolside plantings

Brachychiton acerifolius – Flame Tree
This stunning deciduous tree grows to approximately 15-20m and has the most spectacular flower display when the tree is without leaves. Its green trunk provides such a contrast against the usually profuse, bright red flowers. Grows best in full sun in most soil types. This plant grows in the Tropical Cairns, Subtropical Region and Temperate Climate Zones.

Buckinghamia celissima – Ivory Curl Tree
This rounded tree grows to 5m in height. It is hardy and low maintenance and performs at its best in full sun. During summer, it is covered in long creamy white cylindrical flowers that provide a great show. This specimen is a lovely shade tree in a small garden or feature tree in a large garden. Raise the canopy for passage underneath by trimming the lower branches. Available in the Tropical Cairns, Subtropical and Temperate Region Climate Zones.

Callistemon – Bottle Brush
This evergreen species is available in varying heights and flower colours, ranging from creamy white, through yellow and pink to crimson red. Some species produce a flush of pink new leaf growth, adding to this plants features. Birds and animals are attracted to its prolific flowers. Maintain shape and size with pruning through the warmer months between flowering. Grows in all Climate Zones.
SALT TOLERANT – Suitable for seaside or poolside plantings

Cupaniopsis anacardioies – Tuckeroo
This lovely medium tree with a dense spreading crown. Insignificant yellow flowers appear in Spring followed by orange berries, highly attractive to birds. Prefers Fun Sun to Part Shade and grows to 15m height, 3-5m width, the Tuckeroo makes a great shade tree or specimen tree within the lawn area. Salt tolerant. Grows in all Climate Zones.
SALT TOLERANT – Suitable for seaside or poolside plantings

Eucalyptus – Gum Tree
There are many Eucalyptus varieties most of which only suit large gardens. Dwarf Eucalyptus varieties like Summer Red (red flowering) and Summer Beauty (pink flowering) are great for small gardens growing to approximately 5m in height. The beautiful flowers are followed by large gumnuts. Once established these dwarf gum trees are low maintenance and make a great addition to any garden. Grows in all Climate Zones.
SALT TOLERANT – Suitable for seaside or poolside plantings

This evergreen flowering species is available in many flower colours and sizes ranging from tall trees to prostrate forms. It has fern-like foliage and distinctive bird/animal attracting flowers. Prefers a sunny position with well drained soil. Cut back in summer to encourage new fresh growth. White Oak (Grevillea baileyana) makes a fantastic addition to a large garden growing to 10m in height. White flowers appear in late spring to summer. Grows in all Climate Zones.
SALT TOLERANT – Suitable for seaside or poolside plantings

Harpullia pendula – Tulipwood
Small to medium evergreen tree with attractive, pale green foliage. A hardy, fast growing tree makes an excellent shade tree. Sprays of greenish-yellow, slightly fragrant flowers in summer. Orange seed-cases that mature in winter and open to reveal glossy black seeds. Will tolerate dry conditions and most soil types. Grows to about 10m in height. Grows in all Climate Zones.

Leptospermum – Teatree
Varying from prostrate growing shrubs to tall shrubs/small trees to 4m this native species has narrow pointed leaves. Prefers a full sun to part shade position. Choose carefully as some prefer moist soils over well drained sandy soils. A prolific flowerer with colours varying from white through to magenta pink. Bee and butterfly attracting. Grows in all Climate Zones.

Melaleuca species – Paperbark
A group of very adaptable species suitable for all soil types in full sun to part shade. Tolerates drought and water-logged soils. Available in ground covers up to small trees these fast-growing plants bear cylindrical flowers that range in colour from cream and yellow through to orange and red. Bird and bee attracting. Grows in all Climate Zones.
SALT TOLERANT – Suitable for seaside or poolside plantings

Pandanus tectorius – Screw Pine
Small tree up to 6m x 6m with long strappy leaves. Requires a full sun position in well drained sandy soil. Unique aerial roots emerge from trunk to support tree as it matures. Female trees produce pineapple looking fruit which can be very decorative. Generally seen as a coastal planting. Makes a great feature planting in a large garden. Grows in all Climate Zones.
SALT TOLERANT – Suitable for seaside or poolside plantings

Stenocarpus sinuatus – Fire Wheel Tree
A medium to large slow growing evergreen tree to 20m or more. A cylindrical trunk with greyish brown bark. Requires well drained soil in a full sun to part shade position. Bright orange red, circular, ornamental flower form between February to March followed by the boat shaped fruit/seed pods. Green lobed leaves change colour ranging from yellow through to crimson. Grows in Tropical Darwin and Cairns, Subtropical and Temperate Regions Climate Zones.

Xanthostemon chrysanthus
Bushy shrub with bronze new growth which bears masses of yellow flowers which are very bird attracting. Grows 8 to 15m in height and flowers Spring – Summer. Makes a great specimen tree, wind break or border. Hardy once established. Grows in Tropical Cairns, Topical Darwin and Subtropical Region Climate Zones.
SALT TOLERANT – Suitable for seaside or poolside plantings