Dianella species and varieties – Dianella, Flax Lily
There are many species and varieties available ranging from dwarf forms 30cm in height through to the larger 70cm varieties. Dianella caerulea, Dianella revoluta, Dianella tasmanica are just a few of the myriad species available in such varieties as Little Rev and Little Jess. Available in lush green or a green/white variegated strappy leaf. Very hardy. Flowers appear in spring through summer. Some varieties have blue berries containing shiny black seeds. Dianella looks fabulous mass planted. Trim back late winter. Grows in all Climate Zones.
SALT TOLERANT – Suitable for seaside or poolside plantings

Anigozanthos flavidus, Anigozanthos manglesii – Kangaroo Paw
The size of this strappy plant along with the flower-stalk height varies between the species. Kangaroo paw shaped flowers appear over spring and summer and range in colour from yellow through to red. Requires good drainage and low humidity so thrive. Kangaroo Paws are also very good cut flowers. Grows in all Climate Zones except Tropical Darwin.

Crinum pedunculatum – Spider Lily
Flowering through the warmer months this showy bulbous plant forms large clumps to 1m in diameter. Spectacular white scented flowers appear on talk flower stalks with spot flower bursts several times annually. Grows in all Climate Zones.

Lomandra hystrix, Lomandra longifolia – Mat Rush
This evergreen grass-like plant has long, green strappy foliage. Insignificant yellow flower spikes that are beautifully scented appear in spring. This is a hardy plant with some varieties tolerating full sun or full shade and damp soil. Sizes range from 40cm to about 1m. Grows in all Climate Zones.

Pennisetum alopecuroides, Pennisetum setaceum – Fountain Grass
Fast growing, the size of this strappy plant along with the flower-stalk height varies between the species. Small plants to 60cm with Purple Fountain Grass reaching 1.5m in height. Soft, fluffy flower plumes on arching stems vary in colour depending on the variety. Flowers throughout the year depending on your location. Thrives in Full Sun and requires good drainage. Cut back to refresh the plant. Grows in all Climate Zones except Cool Climates.