Deciding when is the right time to sell the family home can be a difficult one. Regardless of your personal circumstances, the amount of ongoing maintenance the property requires is a real consideration, not just financially but in some cases your physical abilities. Downsizing is often the first thought once we edge towards retirement. With a little consideration and consultation with a professional, holding onto what may be your families biggest investment is very achievable.

Garden to good health

None of us are assured good health in retirement but if you enjoy your garden then plan on it becoming part of your Health & Wellbeing Plan. Maintaining a garden offers not just physical but also mental health benefits and in many cases costs very little to do. It is a well known fact that regardless of your age gardening improves endurance, flexibility and strength. It also prevents diseases like osteoporosis and reduces stress levels, promoting relaxation.

Take a look at this interesting article.


Understandably you probably have a long list of all the things you’d like to do in retirement; travel, spend more time with family & friends or lose yourself regularly in a hobby but before you downsize your garden consider the health benefits it provides. Just potting around, weeding, mulching and best of all tending to a productive garden can all provide such a rewarding use of time, along with maintaining good health.   All those projects that you never had time for could now be achieved with the added bonus of increasing your home’s value and salability.

Get good advice

Retirement Productive Gardening

Whether you plan to downsize or buy that hobby farm you’ve always dreamed of, consider getting professional advice on the garden.  This will ensure you have the right garden for you, including a suitable plant selection that ensures ongoing maintenance is within your means.



Everyone needs a little support sometimes…

garden consultations