garden planning
Warm, sunny winters days are lovely for losing an afternoon in the garden.  With the cooler weather, the lawn doesn’t need as regular mowing, shrubs were maintained with a light trim in Autumn & you’ve got the mulching under control, so spend some time on other little jobs that are best completed this season.  If you answered no to the mulching then now’s the time to tackle that one.  No matter the season there is always something you can find to do in the garden.  If your budget allows then consider a trip to your local nursery to wander around.  Indoor plants and potted colour really add joy to your space through the cooler months.  It might not be so good for your bank account but what a way to lose an afternoon.

Lawn Bindii

As you wander through your garden keep your eyes peeled for lawn weeds especially bindii. This weed has fern like foliage and is currently emerging in lawns from seed left from the previous seasons flowering. Hand pulling at this early stage, should you only have a small amount in your lawn, is the best way to tackle this little nasty.

Lawn Bindii in flower


Hand pulling now will be easy and also break the weed cycle, decreasing the amount that you will have next year. Leaving it go too long will see the setting of the flower and as the flower dies and hardens, the prickles (seeds) are formed. This will stop the kids and your pets in their tracks, so take the time to eradicate this weed from your lawn sooner rather than later. Commercial poisons are available but if at all possible, hand weeding is a much better option for all concerned including the bees.

Landscape Design

Winter is a great time to plan new gardens or extent on your existing garden design. Designing “Garden Rooms” adds interest to any garden providing surprises at every turn. These areas do not have to have clear boundaries as such but rather seamlessly blend into each other.  The incorporation of design elements is what essentially adds the interest to these areas. Garden rooms provide areas within your garden which are each used very differently and even at different times of the year.
garden designFor example, a paved courtyard may have an unpaved area to the centre that incorporates a brazier during the cooler months but a beautiful statue through the warmer months.  The ability to change the feature when you’re feeling so hot you can’t bare to stare at a fire pit brings a welcomed season change to the space.
Once you have finalized your design you will no doubt need to fill some blank areas with plants.  Planting out new garden beds can be tricky, not only with choosing the right plant selection but combining the plants within the garden bed area to provide a professional look.  Well chosen and placed plants will avoid over crowding and therefore reduce your maintenance long term. 

Getting it right the first time will save you time and money.

Ezyplant has an extensive range of Garden Bed Plans that come fully to scale.  This means the plants that you see within the garden bed area plan are all that you will need.  Our Garden Bed Plans provide you with the right plant selection for your Australian garden.  They show you how many plants you will need and where to plant them within the garden bed.

Garden Bed PlansIf you are starting with a blank canvas or adding additional gardens, then Winter is the time to start planning. Gain access to our professionally designed Garden Bed Plans along with one on one support via one of our Landscaping Packages so you can get started.  Choosing the garden bed plans that you require, preparing the beds and mulching the garden bed areas is all best done through Winter.  Good planning now allows you to be prepare to plant when Spring arrives and plants will settle in faster, seeing immediate growth.

Planting in winter is an option but plant loss can be experienced.

Don’t forget that when you purchase our Supported Landscape Package you gain

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the cost of your Landscaping Package – Learn more here

Add Some Colour

Things can get a bit drab in the garden over the winter months, but by purchasing some annual flowering seedlings or bulbs, you’ll be adding some wonderful colour to cheer things up. Planting them into the ground is just as good as pots but may mean they will be out of the way, seeing you miss their flower show. Consider using flowering annuals & bulbs along garden bed edges or mass plant for a fabulous effect.  Pots can be placed where you spend most of your time and as long as they are getting good sun and regular watering, they will be very happy for their lifespan. We cannot stress enough the importance of using a “Premium” Potting Mix as it contains all the good stuff, including fertilizer and water saving crystals. This will ensure that your seedlings perform at their best right through the season, making life easier for you.

Planting pansys

Petunia, Viola, Pansy, Alyssum and Bedding Begonia, just to name a few, are all great additions and should be considered if you have the time to tend potted colour. Dwarf Bougainvillea (Bambino varieties) perform well in pots and the flower colours available are extensive. These plants provide a long lasting display through the cold days and reward you time and again through the year.  Because they are a dwarf variety, they are easily managed by trimming any shoots that extend too far. This will maintain the size and shape that you desire. Fertilise after flowering has finished with a hibiscus fertiliser and water thoroughly, ensuring the pot has dried out before watering again. In a full sun position, this plant makes a great colourful addition to any garden, needing very little attention.

It’s Time For Citrus 

Growing CitrusWinter is the best time to give your citrus trees a little of your attention.  If you’ve been thinking of growing citrus or planting more, then make the most of the next couple of months.

Existing citrus trees may be fully laden with fruit but it’s important to remove any fallen, spoilt fruit from under the tree to avoid attracting fruit fly & other pests.  Setting traps is always a good idea along with keeping your eyes peeled for any other unwanted insects.

Once you have picked fruit and done any trimming required (don’t forget the rootstock suckers), remember to feed your trees.  Citrus have surface roots which means that mulching is essential to their health. Applying a good amount of composting mulch will help maintain good moisture in the soil.  

Sweet Potato is great grown at the bottom of trees and left unharvested so the tubers rot, this supplies the tree with necessary nutrients organically. The Sweet Potato foliage also provides good coverage to the ground, stifling any weeds willing to give it a try.   Take a look at our article Potted Fruit Trees if you have a small garden or if you would like to feature a citrus tree in a pot in your garden design.

The Winter Veggie Garden

Along with many other benefits, the cooler days allow us to spread out the watering of the veggie garden. It is best to water for a good duration, less regularly, than the other way round. Deep watering encourages the roots of your crop to grow deeper into the soil, therefore accessing more nutrients and stable moisture levels.

Veggie gardening

If you managed to plant out crops in Autumn you should be reaping the fruits of your labour by now with plenty still to harvest.  Zucchini, squash, broccoli, cauliflower, beetroot, cabbage and beans should all be providing you with plenty for the kitchen, along with passionfruit ready for that Sunday lunchtime pavlova.

If you are looking for seedlings to plant through the winter months then take a look at our Vegetable Garden eBooklet. This informative booklet provides you will lots and lots of great information including a monthly planting calendar. Sometimes just a little guidance is all we need to be successful and we have compiled all the information you will need to grow healthy produce for you & your family. Even in a small area you can be very productive.  By working with others around you, you can all grow something different and exchange when the harvest is ready.

Regular fertilising is essential to maximize plant health and the size of your crop. Whether you choose to use a commercial fertilser, compost, worm juice or a combination of all, remember that getting the application rate right is important.

Don’t forget to cover your broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage & sugarloaf with some fine netting to protect them from the cabbage moth or you will regret it when the weather starts to warm up.

Storing Pumpkins

If you’re growing pumpkins you should have harvested some by now.  We want to give you a tip on preparing them for storage so you have them through the winter months. When the pumpkin has reached its full size (or a good size for you), is starting to colour it can be picked. It is better to leave them on the vine until the stem dies off, but if you are contending with marsupials take a look at our Facebook video then consider picking them early.

growing pumpkins

By placing picked pumpkins in the full sun, you will harden the skin to ensure it has a good shelf life through the winter. Rotating the pumpkin every couple of days so that the whole surface is exposed to the sun is imperative. It may be that you will need to keep them safe at night away from any of those naughty, hungry critters whilst you harden the skin. Once they have been fully sunned over a couple of weeks they can be stored in a dry, cool spot until you are ready to use them. Just remember to turn them over now and then to ensure built up moisture doesn’t cause rot.

Well with some regular rainfall and more of these beautiful clear days your veggie garden will be rewarding you right to the end of the season.

Enjoy and remember to start planning for Spring by considering what plants would have finished producing, crop rotation and the utilization of other areas of the garden to increase your ability to grow beautiful, healthy produce for your family.


If you need some support getting started then our Online Garden Consultation Service will point you in the right direction otherwise dig in and grab your copy of our Vegetable Garden eBooklet.


Growing Vegetables