As many retreat to central heating or open fireplaces, the keen gardener will still make their way out into the Winter garden.  It’s a lovely time to enjoy the warm sunshine and to potter, poke and pick. 

Flowering bulbs are now turning on a show as deciduous trees stand bare in all their glory.  Garden lighting can feature the stunning transformation of a specially chosen deciduous tree as it’s leaves turn, drop to reveal bare branches as a stark reminder of the change of season.  Watching the garden change through the seasons is one of the many joys of having your own garden.  An emerging shoot here and a new flower over there.  Along with birds, butterflies and the ever changing shadows ensures there’s always something to enjoy, even through the colder weather. 

Winter gardeningTake Some Time Out

Regardless of the season there’s always something to be addressed in the garden.  Winter does however allow time to sit with a warm drink & assess your Winter garden.  But most of all take the time to enjoy the work you’ve done throughout the rest of the year. 

If you’ve been following us for a while you’ll know that now is the time to do the little jobs, like staying on top of the weeds. Apply more compost to the vegetable garden to ensure it sees it through till Spring, feed fruit trees and cut flowering bulbs to enjoy inside the house. 

Reduce Watering

Watering should be reduced depending on natural rainfall and preparations for upcoming frosts started.  Winter vegetables should be starting to produce now providing an abundance for the kitchen.  Stored Pumpkins fit for soup are a must for the Winter dinner table along with Zucchini, Cauliflower, Brussel Sprouts & Cabbage for a hearty casserole.  Check out our Winter Pesto dish which is delicious served with Cheesy Cauliflower Bread.

Winter Vegetable Garden

Time To Plan

The Winter months allow for planning, quiet contemplation whilst enjoying the warmth of the sun.  New plantings in Spring, an extension to the outdoor entertainment area to accommodate an ever growing family.  Maybe the addition of new garden beds are planned, if you are a new home owner who has just built their first home.  Planning is essential along with getting good advice but what is the most important thing is that you understand that there is no such thing as a brown thumb.  Knowledge is KING!