Recipe - Chicken, Chorizo Pasta with Pumpkin & Sage Sauce

This recipe brings full flavours to the plate and with good preparation is on the table in no time.  Sub in your GF pasta if needed and sub out the Chorizo for a more affordable meal.

We utilized Pumpkin fresh from our patch for this recipe, along with the Spinach & Thyme.  Source what you can from your productive garden or local Growers Markets.

If you’re not growing pumpkins & have room in your garden, consider growing a pumpkin vine at your place.  They will reward you with many pumpkins to share with family and friends.




2  x Chicken Thighs diced

2 x Chorizo (approx 200g) – halved lengthwise and the sliced

1 x medium Red Onion – cut into wedges

250g of roughly diced Pumpkin – skin removed

120g Baby Spinach –  rinced

50g Button Mushrooms – sliced

2 x Garlic cloves – finely diced

1 Tbsp Sage leaves roughly chopped or leave whole

300grms – Sour Cream

2 Tbsp – Butter

1 Tbsp – Olive Oil


1. Prepare all ingredients ready for cooking.

2. Cook your pasta of choice and drain.

3. In a deep frying pan, add the butter, olive oil, garlic, sage and pumpkin and gently fry.  Once the ingredients have some colour, add the mushrooms, cover & reduce the heat.

4. In another frying pan, fry off chorizo sausage and then set aside to cool.

5. In the same pan, fry the chicken pieces until brown & cooked through.  Combine with sliced chorizo & set aside.

6. Once the pumpkin is just tender, stir in the sour cream to make a sauce.  Bring back to a gentle boil.

7. Add the meats, cooked pasta & spinach to the pumpkin sauce and gently stir though, bringing back to a gentle boil.

Serve with garlic focaccia & a lovely glass of wine.



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