There is nothing better than losing an afternoon in the garden catching up on all those little garden jobs you never get too!  Make the most of this weekend and tackle some of the common gardening jobs that get put on the bottom of the “Things to do list”.

– If you grow Agapanthus, Hippeastrums or any other type of lily then remember that the dead flower stems will need to be removed. Remove the flower stem as close to the plant as possible and compost them. Tidying up plants like this can make your garden shine and helps plants perform better.
– While you’re at it check on the compost. Does it need watering? If your compost is wet and smelly it has too much moisture and could do with some organic material to dry it up. Add paper, leaves or any other dry garden waste such as leaf. This in time will turn it around. Take a look at our Compost Article for more info on composting.
– Top up pots with fresh “Premium” potting mix! Trim dead foliage and water well. If you are a regular reader you will know how important we at Ezyplant feel it is to spend good money on potting mix. If you are going to buy beautifully healthy plants then plant them in something that is going to continue to allow them to perform to their best.
– Some potted colour for the coming cooler months? The garden can look a little dreary through the winter months depending on your plant selection so the addition of some potted flowering annuals can keep things looking bright. Again “Premium” potting mix is important and will reduce your need to fertilize & water as much, so it is money well spent. Take a look at your local nursery or hardware and choose from the selection available for the cooler months.  For another long term flowering project check our article on potted Agapanthus and Hippeastrums for a flowering display that will last through Spring into Summer.
-Prepare the vege garden for Winter crops. Now this may not be such a little job for some but once you have removed weeds, prepared the soil and mulched it’s time to think about where & what you are going to plant. Take a look at our Vege Garden Booklet for all the information you need to get productive. Remember to include some flowering annuals like Allysum & Marygolds to attract beneficial insects to your vege garden. Herbs are a must and while you are in the frame of mind consider where you might fit a fruit tree. Dwarf citrus are now readily available and Winter is the best time to plant them!
– Check your garden beds for plants that are not coping or the need for more mulch. The weather has been particularly dry so it may pay to put this typically winter job to the top of the list. Watering may be required and the addition of mulch will reduce future water needs so best done now.
Now that you’ve tackled some of those “Things to do.” take a seat and enjoy the garden you have created.