Climbing plants can be a fantastic addition to any Australian backyard, providing both aesthetic appeal and practical benefits such as shading and privacy. Some will even provide fruit which is an added bonus.  Let’s explore some of the best climbing plants for Australian backyards along with tips on how to grow and care for them.

Spoiled For Choice

Wisteria -Fabaceae (Leguminosae)

Wisteria is a beautiful, deciduous climbing plant that is known for its stunning, cascading flowers. It is perfect for adding a touch of elegance to your backyard and can be trained to grow up a trellis or pergola.

Wisteria is relatively easy to care for, but it does require regular pruning to prevent it from becoming too heavy and invasive. Wisteria does best in full sun but will tolerate some shade.

Trachelospermum - Star Jasmine

Jasmine is a popular climbing plant due to its fragrant, star-shaped flowers and its ability to grow quickly and easily. It is perfect for adding a sweet scent to your backyard and can be trained to grow up trellises or fences.

Jasmine requires regular pruning and watering to keep it healthy and looking its best. Star Jasmine is popular because it grows in all positions making it the perfect choice.

Bougainvillea - Nyctaginaceae

Bougainvillea is a hardy, evergreen climbing plant that is known for its vibrant, papery flowers. It is perfect for adding a pop of colour to your backyard and can be trained to grow up walls, trellises, or pergolas.

Bougainvillea requires full sun and well-draining soil, as well as regular pruning and fertilising.  Large thorns are a negative to this choice & in the warmer climates it can grow wild!  Consider dwarf varieties like “Bambino” & consider growing in pots to restrict growth.

Pergola covered with climbing rose

Climbing roses are a classic choice for Australian backyards, offering stunning blooms and a romantic, cottage-like feel.

They can be trained to grow up walls, trellises, arbors or pergolas and require regular pruning and fertilising to keep them healthy and blooming. Climbing roses prefer well-draining soil and full sun.   

Passionfruit vines grow best in the Subtropics however can be grown in other regions of Australia if given a warm, sunny, sheltered spot. 

They are a great choice for a climbing vine as they offer both edible fruit and a beautiful, lush looking climbing plant. They can be trained to grow up trellises or along a fence and require regular pruning and watering to produce the best fruit. Passionfruit vines prefer well-draining, fertile soil and full sun.

Mandevilla Vine on trellises

Mandevilla bring stunning colour with a variety of vibrant flower colours available.  Fast growing, they do best when their roots are restricted, so consider growing in pots for best results.  Covering trellises, pergolas or fences, this rampant vine does best in full sun ensuring prolific flowering. 

Not to be mistaken for Dipladenia which has a fuller shape and looks more like a shrub, although you can train dipladenia to grow vertically. On the other hand, mandevilla vines love to climb, can grow up to 6 metres or more.

Grape - VitisGrape vines can be tricky to grow and are renowned for growing best in the cooler climates.  They don’t like humidity however there are a few grafted varieties like Iona & Isabella that do well in the Subtropics. 

Traditionally grown on trellis fences, grapes do grow well over pergolas too.  Providing shade through the warmer months & allowing the sun to shine through during the cooler months whilst they are bare, grapes make the perfect vine for a backyard pergola.  

When it comes to growing climbing plants in your backyard, it is essential to choose the right location and provide proper care. Most climbing plants require full sun, well-draining soil, regular pruning and fertilising to thrive, especially if they are grown in pots. It is also important to provide a support structure for your climbing plants, such as a trellis or pergola, to help them grow upwards and stay healthy.

Without a doubt climbing plants can be an excellent addition to any Australian backyard, providing both beauty and practical benefits. With the right care and attention, you can enjoy these stunning plants for years to come.