I’m sure that most people are looking forward to the cool change, to enjoy some Autumn gardening. It’s a wonderful time to give everything a little bit of attention before Winter sets in and the garden becomes dormant. Those in the Tropics and Subtropics experience less dormancy with recent mild winter’s still seeing new growth on plant species however things do tend to slow down no matter where you are in this beautiful country. Autumn gardening should be utilized for the more physical tasks in the garden. Maybe you’re establishing a garden after building a new home or need to install some raised garden beds to redirect summer rainfall away from your home. Consider adding colour through annuals, plants like geraniums or deciduous species like Liquid Amber, Acer, Prunus or Lagerstoemia with the Diamonds In The Dark range with gorgeous burgundy foliage.
The Summer heat, recent rainfall and humidity in some areas, has seen the garden take off. Including the weeds!! If you haven’t already, make it a priority to give everything a bit of a trim to keep things looking nice through the cooler months. Heavier pruning will need to wait until Spring but given growth rates will slow over the coming months, things shouldn’t get any further out of control. I’m not sure about your garden, but the weeds have gone nuts here at Ezyplant HQ. Nothing like a little bit of H2O to get things kicking along but the chickens are thankful for the extra greens and the time spent is always good for the mind.
The Trick To Success – Reduce the Seed Cycle.
Getting on top of the weeds can seem impossible when things have gotten a little out of hand but it’s important to understand that getting on top of the seed cycle is the key to your success. Sweep the problem area for prolific seeders like cobblers pegs (Bidens pilosa) and then focus on a section at a time adding new mulch as you go, should the area need it. To further reduce your weed issue, adding a layer of chip or bark to your mulch layer will provide that protective blanket, reducing light and the ability for seeds to germinate.
Time for Roses.
If you’ve ever wanted to grow roses well now is the time to start planning. Bare rooted roses like to be planted out over the cooler months but garden beds can be prepared through Autumn ready for planting. Ensure you provide good drainage and that the soil is rich and the correct pH of 6.5-7.5. There are many beautiful flower colours to choose from, so enjoy selecting yours. If you’re interested in learning more than take a look at The Queensland Rose Society Inc. website. Choosing the right mulch is imperative for the health of your roses. Pine products are best avoided seeing sugar cane mulch or Lucerne Hay applied instead.
New Garden Beds.
Renovating or building a new home? Now is a great time to be installing new garden beds. Once you have established a landscape design, it’s important to ensure your soil is ready for planting. Knowing what soil type you are working with is imperative. Spending some time and money preparing garden beds will pay dividends, your plants will thank you and you’ll save yourself time and money in the long run.
In some instances (clay soils) a raised or mounded garden bed can be the easiest and fastest approach, seeing your plants in the ground quickly. With many garden edging products available, the key is selecting the one that supports your design & affordability. Do you have straight garden bed edges or are they curved? The main thing is that you provide a solid barrier to keep the turf from growing into the garden bed because that is a maintenance nightmare.
Getting The Plants Right.
The next decision is choosing the right plant selection and one of the biggest mistakes is including too many and over planting. Considering the full growth size of a species will help you select the right varieties for the garden bed area. Foliage colour, leaf shape and flower colour will all contribute to the overall look of your garden, so working out what you like and don’t like will make the task easier. Take a look at our Plant Profiles (under the Hints & Tips menu) for planting options at your place.
Selecting the right mulch for your gardens will depend on your budget. There are many available but consider the ongoing health of your soil. A good layer of composting mulch and then a “blanket” layer of chip or bark to keep the weeds at bay will ensure you won’t have to tackle this job again for a couple of years.
If it all get too overwhelming we are here to help. Our Garden Consultation provides professional advise when you need it & our affordable Landscape Packages are there to support you no matter what your approach is. From as little as $97.00, you can access our complete range of Garden Bed Plans and if you decide you need some support, then we are happy to upgrade you to the Supported Landscape Package for the difference in price. Too easy. DIY or work with a Landscaper, either way save time and money getting the design right first with our support.
We stand behind our designs, if you’re not happy we’re not happy & we’ll make sure we fit it, replace it or refund it. That’s our commitment to you.
Productive Growing.
Preparing your veggie garden soil with compost, manure and other nutrient packed products will ensure a bumper harvest. Take advantage of warm, moist soils and plant Winter crops like cabbage, broccoli, zucchini and beans. In warmer areas, salad greens will continue to flourish along with tomatoes & capsicum. Herbs make a great addition to any productive garden and plants like ginger, rosemary, lemon grass and chili will be long lived and productive.
Don’t forget to empty the compost bin and utilize all that wonderful nutrient. Summer has seen great composting happening and now is the time to reap the rewards. If you have plenty then go for it, turning into the soil ready for planting otherwise use wisely only adding to the soil as you plant your seeds or seedlings
Citrus trees do best planted out though the cooler months, so plan now should you be starting your orchard or extending on what you already grow. Some varieties do well in pots, should you have restricted space. Regular fertilizing will be required. If you’re planting other species like Avocado, then provide some protection from upcoming frosts whilst the plant is young and establishing itself.
Enjoy some Autumn Gardening and what it has to offer. Utilize the time now to extend on what you have or make changes. Think outside the box, up cycle something but whatever you do have fun and enjoy the many benefits gardening brings.