Agave attenuata – Century Plant 

This succulent group of plants have sword shaped leaves.  Some varieties have sharp teeth on the edge of the leaves with a spine at the tip while others are soft and fleshy.  Varying from yellow and green variegations to greenish blue leaf colour, Agaves make a great addition to your garden.   Preferring full sun to part shade, they will cope in a range of soil conditions and grow to about 1m.   A yellow flower head on a 4m spike is produced by very mature plants along with small pups at it’s trunk, prior to dying.  Grows in all Climate Zones.

SALT TOLERANT – Suitable for seaside or poolside plantings

Bamboo – Malay Dwarf 

Clumping bamboo is the best type of bamboo to include in your garden.  There is a size to meet your needs and with shallow root systems these non-invasive species make great screen plantings in narrow spaces as well as open garden beds.   With a variety of attractive stem colour and undulation available, think Buddah Belly, bamboo makes a great feature in any garden.  Tolerates a wide range of conditions and is drought tolerant once established, requiring regular water after planting.   Grows in all Climate Zones.

SALT TOLERANT – Suitable for seaside or poolside plantings – CHECK LABEL.

Bromeliad – Alcantarea, Guzmania, Neoregalia

Members of the pineapple family these exotic plants come in a variety of leaf colours and variegations.  Giant Bromeliads like Alcantarea, make a striking feature plant.  Spectacular flowers vary depending on the variety and emerge from the centre of the plant.  Grow in a part shade position.  Hardy once established.  Grows in all Climate Zones.

SALT TOLERANT – Suitable for seaside or poolside plantings – CHECK LABEL.

Calathea – Peacock Plant, Zebra Plant 

An attractive species of foliage plants known for their striking foliage colours and often unusual flowers.  Prefers a shady, moist position.  Provides year-round interest with its colourful foliage.  Great under trees and ferns, these calatheas help to create structure and texture in any garden.  Popular houseplants.  Grows in all Climate Zones, indoors in Cool Climates.


There are about 15 species of Cordylines. Eight species are native to Australia and each species has multiple varieties. The range of leaf colours and shape stunning.  Choose the right one for a sunny or a shady spot to give year-round lushness and colour in your garden. Easy care water wise plants.   When Cordylines get too tall just cut the top off and new heads will grow providing a totally different looking plant.  Cut tops can be planted directly into the garden and with a little moisture will develop roots of their own.  Best time to cut is spring. Grows in all Climate Zones.

Ctenanthe – Grey Star, Silver Star

These evergreen perennials provide a beautiful display through their attractive foliage.  Shade loving Ctenanthe will tolerate a little sun but may require more water to cope.  Lovely varieties available up to 1m in height.  Grows in Tropical, Subtropical and warm protected areas in Temperate Region Climate Zones.

Sago Palm

Cycas revoluta – Cycad, Sago Palm

Shiny, dark leaves are the feature of this plant.  Slow growing they are best in sand, well-drained soil.  Grows well in full sun to part shade.  Can reach 1m in diameter.  Susceptible to the Cycad beetle which can cause extensive damage to the leaf.  Treatment will be required.  Fairly drought tolerant once established.  Grows in all Climate Zones.

SALT TOLERANT – Suitable for seaside or poolside plantings

Furcraea – Green Aloe, False Agave 

This impressive plant has pointed Agave-like leaves without spines and are quite soft which makes them a safe plant to use in a garden.  Available in stunning variegated cream and pale green foliage or full green strappy leaf.  These striking plants are commonly used for accent or simply to provide some all year-round foliage colour.  Full sun or a lightly shaded area.  Grow to a height of about 1.5 metres.   Make a great potted feature.  Both a bold potted specimen and an impressive landscape plant.  Produces abundant bulbils from the 2m long flower spike, which if allowed to land on the soil, will each produce a new plant making it a weed potential.  Grows in Tropical, Subtropical and warm protected areas in Temperate Region Climate Zones.

SALT TOLERANT – Suitable for seaside or poolside plantings


A truly tropical plant baring the most spectacular flowers, related to the banana.  With more than 200 species there are many to choose from.   Leaf shape is quite dramatic and they do their best in semi shade with regular watering.  Various mature height, size and bracts, which are the colourful part of the flowers.  Some species do run so ensure you know what you are buying as you may prefer to keep it in a pot.  Otherwise consider putting some root barrier around the base of the plant when you plant it to restrict it’s spread otherwise regular maintenance will be required.

Nandina domestica – Sacred Bamboo 

Mistaken for bamboo this evergreen plant has dainty foliage which when grow in a sunny spot will display colours of red, bronze and green.  Easy to grow even in a little shade.  Available in different sizes and varieties like Gulfstream green foliage.  Makes a great addition of colour to the garden year-round.  Trim straggly canes in spring.

SALT TOLERANT – Suitable for seaside or poolside plantings – CHECK LABEL.

Ornamental Ginger – Costus, Etlingera 

Requires a warm humid climate, preferring a part shade position.  Free-draining soil is required and feeding with a slow-release fertilizer, or blood and bone and sulfate of potash in spring and autumn to promote good flowering.  Wide range of different flowers and colours that are long lasting.  Best planted within other plantings.  Frost intolerant.   Grows in Tropical, Subtropical and warm protected areas in Temperate Region Climate Zones.

SALT TOLERANT – Suitable for seaside or poolside plantings

Philodendron – Xanadu

Providing lush foliage and a uniquely shaped leaf this tropical looking plant is easy to grow.  Mass planted they look fabulous and also make a great potted specimen.  Grows to about 1m x 1m with great compact shape.  Prefers a semi shaded position but still performs well in full sun.  Pest resistant and low maintenance requires little water once established.  Grows in Tropical, Subtropical and warm protected areas in Temperate Region Climate Zones.

SALT TOLERANT – Suitable for seaside or poolside plantings

Spathiphyllum – Peace Lily

Preferring a shady spot to avoid leaf burn.  This lovely plant has distinctive leaves and beautiful white flowers.  Variety of plant and leaf size and variegation.  Flowers regularly.  Requires regular watering, this need will be obvious as the leaves will wilt.  Makes a great addition to a tropical garden.  Performs well as a potted specimen, indoors in cooler climates.  Grows in all Climate Zones.

Strelitzia – Bird of Paradise. 

This plant is one of the toughest and will grow in full sun to part shade.  A strap leaf with decorative veins and beautiful tropical flowers. Species range from clumping to tall varieties.  Suitable for many soil types as long as well drained.  The flowers are the feature of this plant providing great colour and have the added benefit of making a great cut flower for the house.  Strelitzia mandella has yellow flowers.  Strelitzia nicolai grows to 6m in height and has large white/blue flowers.  Grows in all Climate Zones.

SALT TOLERANT – Suitable for seaside or poolside plantings

Thysanolaena maxima – Tiger Grass

This fast-growing ornamental grass is often mistaken for a bamboo.   Its clumping habit looks fantastic mass planted as a hedge and with the luxuriant foliage provides a thick privacy screen.  Grows to 2-3m in height, 3m wide at the top & 1m wide at the base.  Plant in well-drained soil and cut right back every few years to maintain a clean, tidy plant.  Suitable for Tropical or Balinese garden.  Grows in all Climate Zones.

Yukka elephantipes

Grown indoors or outdoors this plant will cope in sun or shade.  Yuccas look exotic and tropical and have a modern style.  Low maintenance this plant only requires good drainage otherwise they will require little attention.   Prune the top of the plant for new heads will grow providing a totally different looking plant.  Cut tops can be planted directly into the garden and with a little moisture will develop roots of their own.  Best time to cut is spring.  Grows in all Climate Zones.

SALT TOLERANT – Suitable for seaside or poolside plantings

Zamia furfuracea - Cardboard Palm

Zamia furfuracea – Cardboard Cycad

This hardy, slow growing species (originally from Mexico) will feature well in most garden designs.  Mass planted to create formality or planted in a decorative pot to feature in a courtyard or entrance, this species will not disappoint.  Sensitive to frost, Zamia is adaptable to most positions though sun hardened plants should be sort for full sun positions. Performing best in warm conditions throughout Australia, Zamia also thrives in warm protected positions in cooler regions performing best in humus-rich, well-drained soil in decorative gardens.

SALT TOLERANT – Suitable for seaside or poolside plantings